Private Lessons

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DeLay Band Private Lesson Program

The Lewisville Independent School District has traditionally offered students the opportunity to study privately through an organized Private Lesson Program. Students who study privately derive increased benefits from one-on-one attention from expert musicians on their particular instrument. Additionally, private lessons are an enriching and broadening experience for the students. Private lessons do not guarantee higher grades or a higher band placement. They are a combined effort between the directors, parents, student, and the individual private instructor to better educate our students.

We maintain a listing of private teachers available for each instrument. These teachers have been approved by the DeLay Band Directors, and have made music instruction their profession. One of the keys to the success of the DeLay Band Program will be the participation in the private lesson program. To experience the optimum amount of success, students should start lessons early and continue throughout the year.

1. Students will generally take one 30 minute lesson per week. The cost for each lesson will be $22.00 for teachers who hold a college degree.

2. (Virtual for 2020-2021) Lessons will be scheduled before school, after school, or during the band period depending on the schedule of the student and the lesson teacher.

3. Payment for private lessons will be dealt with by the private lesson instructor. Usually, bills will be handed out on the last lesson of the month, and payment will be expected on the first lesson of the month for the entire month.

4. If a child's private lesson is missed or has to be cancelled, you must notify the private lesson teacher by telephone at least 24 hours in advance -- then it will be considered an excused absence, and that money will be applied to your following month's statement. Unexcused absences will have to be paid for.

5. Parents should encourage students to practice regularly to prepare for their lesson material in addition to their assignments for band class.

6. Students of all levels can benefit from private instruction.